Charmed Dialogue

Charmed! Script & Dialogue

Tutorial - Alley

Camera: Fade in from black to see felicity from 3rd person perspective standing at the entrance to an alleyway. In the midground is an obstacle preventing straight forward traversal.
She hears the voice of her elderly neighbor Mrs. Brenda calling for her to help.

Mrs. Brenda: “Felicity! Is that you dear?! I can’t see, you know me and my dag gum cataracts. Would you be a doll and break down those old chairs for your sweet ol’ Brenda?”


Felicity: *Chuckle* “Of course, Mrs. Brenda. No problem!”
Felicity breaks down chairs and puts them in dumpster.


Felicity: “Alright Mrs. Brenda, I think that’s all of em!


Mrs. Brenda: “Ohhh thank you dear. Your mother would be so proud if she could see what a wonderful young woman you are!”


Felicity: *Sigh* Thanks Mrs. Brenda…
Felicity climbs the fire escape up to her apartment. She enters through the bedroom window. Fade to black.

Tutorial - Bedroom

Felicity enters and sees a snake in her disheveled room with a charm in its mouth and her mom’s charm bracelet on the floor. Snake is startled, felicity kicks snake and recovers charm. Proceeds to pick up and put on charm bracelet. Charm bracelet glows and she hears the voice of Victoria.


Victoria: “Felicity…?”


Felicity: “…There’s no way…Mom?”


Victoria: “It’s me honey. I know this might seem scary, but I need you to listen to me. I-“


Felicity: “What’s going on?! Where are you? How are you talking to me? H-ho-wha-h-h-how are you- How am I talking to you?!”


Victoria: “*Sternly* Felicity! I know you have a lot of questions. But we don’t have a lot of time. The fact that you’re even able to talk to talk to me right now means you’re in danger. You’re in danger… because of me Felicity.”


Felicity: “Wha- how am I able to talk to you? Is it because of your bracelet? I-I- is it the snake, why did it take your charm?”


Victoria: “Wait, they already came? Honey, are you okay?!”


Felicity: “Ye-yeah mom, I’m fine. It was trying to steal one of your charms but I got it back. Wh-“


Victoria: “(Inward facing)They made faster progress than I thought. (Pause) I never wanted to involve you in all of this… that’s why I left.”


Felicity: “You left because of your charms?”


Victoria: “I left because of the power that they bring…the chaos…”


Victoria: “I left because of the power that they bring…the chaos…”


Felicity: “The chaos? Mom, they’re charms”

Felicity spots another snake and chases it down the hallway to the elevators. One elevator has been badly damaged by an unknown source. Felicity enters the elevator.

Victoria: “There’s so much you don’t know Felicity. And I wanted to keep it that way. But now I have no choice. *Sigh* As my daughter, there was always a possibility of my bracelet choosing you. When I left, I tried to use the bracelet to keep the harms at bay and distance you from this as much as possible. There’s bigger forces at play here Felicity.”

Felicity: “Well mom, if you could fight the snake things with the charms, then I can too!

Victoria: “Felicity, it cost me my family and my freedom trying to keep you as far from this as possible. I can’t have you going and putting yourself in more danger than you’re already in because of me.”

Felicity: “Well that’s not up to you. If this bracelet is so powerful, then I can use it to save you. Just tell me what I need to do. Trust me mom, I can do it!”

Elevator Door opens to the street.

Apartment | Voice

Felicity: “There’s the snakes that stole your charms!”

“Wait, I thought they only tried to take one. Which ones do you have?”

Felicity: “Uhhh, I only have the snake lookin one and the lightning one.”

Victoria: “You only have two?! Felicity, you can’t go taking on these things with just the power of Venom and Cloud. You’re missing 3 whole charms!”

Felicity: “Well then I’ll use these two to get them back!”

Victoria: “I- Okay Felicity. But you can’t just go using your magic all willy nilly. Do you remember those fragments you collected when you killed that snake in your bedroom?”

Felicity: “Oh yeah. The glowies!”

Victoria: “Yes Felicity, the glowies. The glowies power your charms. The more powerful the charm, the more its magic requires.”

Felicity: “Kill the harms, get the glowies. Got it!”  

(45 Seconds)

            Felicity exits out onto street and proceeds to the right to take on a group of snakes. A UI pop-up appears “Objective: Kill a snake”
Felicity kills a snake and collects the fragment

Felicity: “Alright! One snake down! And I got the glowies!” 

Victoria: “Great job Felicity! Now that you have a fragment, try using the power of venom on another harm.” 

Objective: Use Venom on a snake” Felicity uses venom ability on a snake

Felicity: “Whoah! That was awesome! I’m gunna do this all the time!”
Victoria: “I know it can be fun Felicity, but the charms have limits. Expending a charm’s power too frequently exhausts its magic for a time. You must choose your battles carefully.”

Felicity: “What does cloud do?!”

Victoria: “Slow down Felicity. Cloud requires more fragments before you can use it. Once you’ve done that you can try it out on another harm.”

Felicity: “Already on it!”

Objective: Collect 3 fragments” Felicity kills 3 snakes and collects fragments. Cloud is now visibly charged.

Felicity: “It’s rumbling! What does that mean?!”

Victoria: “It means it’s ready. Just use your hand to direct the magic at a harm.”

Objective: Use Cloud ability” Felicity uses Cloud ability on a snake.

Felicity: “Was that lightning?!”

Victoria: “MAAAGICAL Lightning”

Felicity: “This is amazing!”

Victoria: “I know it is. Just be careful honey. It’s easy to get caught up in the power. Also, you may have noticed that each charm gives you a little extra boost while you have it chosen. You can use that to your advantage when you’re low on fragments.”

Objective: Use venom passive” Felicity uses venom dash.
Objective: Use cloud passive” Felicity double jumps.

Felicity: “Who needs boosts when you can kick like me?!”

Victoria: “You’re the best kicker around sweety. *background clanking* Felicity, I have to go. He’s coming back. I’ll talk to you when it’s safe. I love you honey.”

Felicity: “Wait, who’s coming? …Mom? ...Mom!”

Apartment | Voice
“Ohh no-no-no-no, not here.”

*Felicity passes the Spanish moss*

“Mom, they’re here…”

Victoria: “Where is here Felicity?”

Felicity: “San Juan”

*Felicity enters the first combat encounter*

Felicity: “What are these things? They’re almost..human?”

Felicity: “And they leap?!”

“I've never seen a human-like harm before. How is Aldorug creating them so fast?"

*Option 1: Felicity ends first combat encounter*

Felicity: "Does this mean Aldorug is here?"

Victoria: "I'm not sure honey. He's always had harbingers, but now that he has a new army I don't know what to expect. I wish I could help you more."

Felicity: "You've already helped enough."

*Felicity enters second combat encounter*

Victoria: “Felicity! I think I hear the charms! I think I hear - you!”

Felicity: *hopeful* “You do?! Where are you?!”

Victoria: “I’m not entirely sure dear, it’s distant, but I’d know that sound anywhere.”

*Option 2: Felicity goes to guard gate*

Felicity: “They really don’t want me getting in do they…”

*Felicity clears encounter 2*
*Felicity turns down the street to enter encounter 3*

Felicity: “Look mom! It’s our old blue house! Remem-”

            *Enemies spawn rapidly*

           “SERIOUSLY?! How many of you are there?!”

                *Felicity fights Bipedal enemies*
               “Don’t you know it’s rude to show up to someone’s house uninvited?”

*Felicity completes encounter 3 and teleports*

*Encounter 4 Begins*

Felicity: “How do I keep ending up at the same place?!”

Victoria: “I’ve seen the midnight charm warp time and reality, but only ever at a small scale… my charms must have somehow strengthened it.”

*Encounter 4 ends and gate opens*

Felicity: “Okay- time, reality, it’s all crazy. But can we talk about how ever since I was a little girl, you would disappear for days at a time and leave us with dad, which is basically leaving us alone, to do what? Go charm collecting?”

Victoria: “Your father tries Felicity. He has his faults but he tries! Yes I had to leave you and your father, but do you think I wanted to?! And he knew. He was worried sick every second I was gone, not knowing when or if I would come back.”

*Felicity enters encounter 5*

Felicity: *Slightly nervous and hastily* “I know he tries it’s jus- ugh, hold on”

(Umbrella Event) Felicity:  “Awww I missed these umbrellas”

*Felicity clears encounter 5*

Felicity: *Catching breath after fight* “I know dad tries. But you act like you didn’t have a choice.”

Victoria: “Because I didn’t. That charm bracelet came from your Abuela. She fought this battle long before me and passed on the bracelet. It’s our family legacy to be the charm keepers Felicity. I just didn’t want to subject you to the danger it brings.”

*Enters encounter 6*

*Bipedal spawns and roars*

Felicity: “Dios Mio! How big do they get?!”

Victoria: “I hear it! You’re getting closer! Is it a charm bearer?”

Felicity: *Preoccupied fighting* “Maybe? I think so!... What’s that?”

“Charm bearers are the largest type of harm. They hold and fracture a charm to create more harms at Aldorug’s command.”

Felicity: “So without a bearer, there’s no new harms?”

Victoria: “Exactly, but they’re not easy.”

Felicity: *Exhausted fighting* “Oh trust me I know!”

*Bipedal boss defeated and drops cataclysm charm. Felicity collects charm.”

“What charm is the purple planet one?”

Victoria: “Ooo, that’s Cataclysm. Cataclysm is the strongest charm but also costs the most fragments.”

*Felicity exits encounter 6 (fort)*

Felicity: “I forgot how gorgeous San Juan is at sunrise.”

Victoria: “Your Abuela would have loved to see you now.”

Felicity: “Where did that come from?”

Victoria: “I’m just proud of you mi nena. I wanted to keep it away from you, but seeing you embracing the charms… you’re just a natural, and she always said you would be.”

*Felicity enters encounter 7. A car is thrown out of the perpendicular alley, flying just in front of Felicity and into the ocean*

Felicity: *Shocked reaction*

Felicity: “Was the car really necessary?!”

*Clears encounter 7 and jumps up onto back mansion walkway*

Felicity: “I can see La Ruta de la Princesa from here!”

Victoria: “Good memories…”

*Felicity enters encounter 8*

Victoria: “Felicity, honey! I hear you! You’re so close!”

Felicity: *Fighting* “Hang on mom! I’m almost there!”

Victoria: “Aldorug put me in a magical cell like the barriers he uses to trap you with the harms.”
Felicity: “So how do I get you out?”

Victoria: “The harm’s presence powers the barrier, so if you can defeat them the barrier should lift.”

*Felicity clears encounter 8*

Victoria: “Felicity!”

Felicity: “Mom!... Why isn’t the barrier lifted?! I got rid of all of the-”

*Bipedal boss roars from the fountain in the distance*

Victoria: “What is that?!”

Victoria: “I’m not sure mi nena, but if anyone can it’s you. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to never underestimate you anymore.”

*Felicity runs toward boss and begins fighting. Boss is defeated and Victoria’s cell disappears*

Felicity: “Mom, I did it! *silence* Mom?”

Victoria: “I don’t know what happened Felicity, they moved me. I-”

Aldorug: “Impressive, child. I too underestimated you. Never again. I am now personally watching over your mother. I am a gracious host. Won’t you join us?

Felicity: *Sassy and vengeful* “You know what, I shall. It’s about time we met.”

*Fade to Black*

Aldorug: “At last, we meet.”

Felicity: *Confident and Sassy* “Charmed I’m sure.”


Felicity: *Chuckle* “Of course, Mrs. Brenda. No problem!”

Felicity breaks down chairs and puts them in dumpster.

Felicity: “Alright Mrs. Brenda, I think that’s all of em!

Mrs. Brenda: “Ohhh thank you dear. Your mother would be so proud if she could see what a wonderful young woman you are!”

Felicity: *Sigh* Thanks Mrs. Brenda…

Felicity climbs the fire escape up to her apartment. She enters through the bedroom window. Fade to black.

Bedroom | Voice

Felicity enters and sees a snake in her disheveled room with a
charm in its mouth and her mom’s charm bracelet on the floor. Snake is startled, felicity kicks snake and recovers charm. Proceeds to pick up and put on charm bracelet. Charm bracelet glows and she hears the voice of Victoria.

Victoria: “Felicity…?”

Felicity: “…There’s no way…Mom?”

Victoria: “It’s me honey. I know this might seem scary, but I need you to listen to me. I-“

Felicity: “What’s going on?! Where are you? How are you talking to me? H-ho-wha-h-h-how are you- How am I talking to you?!”

Victoria: “*Sternly* Felicity! I know you have a lot of questions. But we don’t have a lot of time. The fact that you’re even able to talk to talk to me right now means you’re in danger. You’re in danger… because of me Felicity.”

Felicity: “Wha- how am I able to talk to you? Is it because of your bracelet? I-I- is it the snake, why did it take your charm?”

Victoria: “Wait, they already came? Honey, are you okay?!”

Felicity: “Ye-yeah mom, I’m fine. It was trying to steal one of your charms but I got it back. Wh-“

Victoria: “(Inward facing)They made faster progress than I thought. (Pause) I never wanted to involve you in all of this… that’s why I left.”

Felicity: “You left because of your charms?”

Victoria: “I left because of the power that they bring…the chaos…”

Felicity: “The chaos? Mom, they’re charms”

Felicity spots another snake and chases it down the hallway to the elevators. One elevator has been badly damaged by an unknown source. Felicity enters the elevator.

Victoria: “There’s so much you don’t know Felicity. And I wanted to keep it that way. But now I have no choice. *Sigh* As my daughter, there was always a possibility of my bracelet choosing you. When I left, I tried to use the bracelet to keep the harms at bay and distance you from this as much as possible. There’s bigger forces at play here Felicity.”

Felicity: “Well mom, if you could fight the snake things with the charms, then I can too!

Victoria: “Felicity, it cost me my family and my freedom trying to keep you as far from this as possible. I can’t have you going and putting yourself in more danger than you’re already in because of me.”

Felicity: “Well that’s not up to you. If this bracelet is so powerful, then I can use it to save you. Just tell me what I need to do. Trust me mom, I can do it!”

Elevator Door opens to the street.

Apartment | Voice

Felicity: “There’s the snakes that stole your charms!”

“Wait, I thought they only tried to take one. Which ones do you have?”

Felicity: “Uhhh, I only have the snake lookin one and the lightning one.”

Victoria: “You only have two?! Felicity, you can’t go taking on these things with just the power of Venom and Cloud. You’re missing 3 whole charms!”

Felicity: “Well then I’ll use these two to get them back!”

Victoria: “I- Okay Felicity. But you can’t just go using your magic all willy nilly. Do you remember those fragments you collected when you killed that snake in your bedroom?”

Felicity: “Oh yeah. The glowies!”

Victoria: “Yes Felicity, the glowies. The glowies power your charms. The more powerful the charm, the more its magic requires.”

Felicity: “Kill the harms, get the glowies. Got it!”  

(45 Seconds)

            Felicity exits out onto street and proceeds to the right to take on a group of snakes. A UI pop-up appears “Objective: Kill a snake”
Felicity kills a snake and collects the fragment

Felicity: “Alright! One snake down! And I got the glowies!” 

Victoria: “Great job Felicity! Now that you have a fragment, try using the power of venom on another harm.” 

Objective: Use Venom on a snake” Felicity uses venom ability on a snake

Felicity: “Whoah! That was awesome! I’m gunna do this all the time!”
Victoria: “I know it can be fun Felicity, but the charms have limits. Expending a charm’s power too frequently exhausts its magic for a time. You must choose your battles carefully.”

Felicity: “What does cloud do?!”

Victoria: “Slow down Felicity. Cloud requires more fragments before you can use it. Once you’ve done that you can try it out on another harm.”

Felicity: “Already on it!”

Objective: Collect 3 fragments” Felicity kills 3 snakes and collects fragments. Cloud is now visibly charged.

Felicity: “It’s rumbling! What does that mean?!”

Victoria: “It means it’s ready. Just use your hand to direct the magic at a harm.”

Objective: Use Cloud ability” Felicity uses Cloud ability on a snake.

Felicity: “Was that lightning?!”

Victoria: “MAAAGICAL Lightning”

Felicity: “This is amazing!”

Victoria: “I know it is. Just be careful honey. It’s easy to get caught up in the power. Also, you may have noticed that each charm gives you a little extra boost while you have it chosen. You can use that to your advantage when you’re low on fragments.”

Objective: Use venom passive” Felicity uses venom dash.
Objective: Use cloud passive” Felicity double jumps.

Felicity: “Who needs boosts when you can kick like me?!”

Victoria: “You’re the best kicker around sweety. *background clanking* Felicity, I have to go. He’s coming back. I’ll talk to you when it’s safe. I love you honey.”

Felicity: “Wait, who’s coming? …Mom? ...Mom!”

Apartment | Voice
“Ohh no-no-no-no, not here.”

*Felicity passes the Spanish moss*

“Mom, they’re here…”

Victoria: “Where is here Felicity?”

Felicity: “San Juan”

*Felicity enters the first combat encounter*

Felicity: “What are these things? They’re almost..human?”

Felicity: “And they leap?!”

“I've never seen a human-like harm before. How is Aldorug creating them so fast?"

*Option 1: Felicity ends first combat encounter*

Felicity: "Does this mean Aldorug is here?"

Victoria: "I'm not sure honey. He's always had harbingers, but now that he has a new army I don't know what to expect. I wish I could help you more."

Felicity: "You've already helped enough."

*Felicity enters second combat encounter*

Victoria: “Felicity! I think I hear the charms! I think I hear - you!”

Felicity: *hopeful* “You do?! Where are you?!”

Victoria: “I’m not entirely sure dear, it’s distant, but I’d know that sound anywhere.”

*Option 2: Felicity goes to guard gate*

Felicity: “They really don’t want me getting in do they…”

*Felicity clears encounter 2*
*Felicity turns down the street to enter encounter 3*

Felicity: “Look mom! It’s our old blue house! Remem-”

            *Enemies spawn rapidly*

           “SERIOUSLY?! How many of you are there?!”

                *Felicity fights Bipedal enemies*
               “Don’t you know it’s rude to show up to someone’s house uninvited?”

*Felicity completes encounter 3 and teleports*

*Encounter 4 Begins*

Felicity: “How do I keep ending up at the same place?!”

Victoria: “I’ve seen the midnight charm warp time and reality, but only ever at a small scale… my charms must have somehow strengthened it.”

*Encounter 4 ends and gate opens*

Felicity: “Okay- time, reality, it’s all crazy. But can we talk about how ever since I was a little girl, you would disappear for days at a time and leave us with dad, which is basically leaving us alone, to do what? Go charm collecting?”

Victoria: “Your father tries Felicity. He has his faults but he tries! Yes I had to leave you and your father, but do you think I wanted to?! And he knew. He was worried sick every second I was gone, not knowing when or if I would come back.”

*Felicity enters encounter 5*

Felicity: *Slightly nervous and hastily* “I know he tries it’s jus- ugh, hold on”

(Umbrella Event) Felicity:  “Awww I missed these umbrellas”

*Felicity clears encounter 5*

Felicity: *Catching breath after fight* “I know dad tries. But you act like you didn’t have a choice.”

Victoria: “Because I didn’t. That charm bracelet came from your Abuela. She fought this battle long before me and passed on the bracelet. It’s our family legacy to be the charm keepers Felicity. I just didn’t want to subject you to the danger it brings.”

*Enters encounter 6*

*Bipedal spawns and roars*

Felicity: “Dios Mio! How big do they get?!”

Victoria: “I hear it! You’re getting closer! Is it a charm bearer?”

Felicity: *Preoccupied fighting* “Maybe? I think so!... What’s that?”

“Charm bearers are the largest type of harm. They hold and fracture a charm to create more harms at Aldorug’s command.”

Felicity: “So without a bearer, there’s no new harms?”

Victoria: “Exactly, but they’re not easy.”

Felicity: *Exhausted fighting* “Oh trust me I know!”

*Bipedal boss defeated and drops cataclysm charm. Felicity collects charm.”

“What charm is the purple planet one?”

Victoria: “Ooo, that’s Cataclysm. Cataclysm is the strongest charm but also costs the most fragments.”

*Felicity exits encounter 6 (fort)*

Felicity: “I forgot how gorgeous San Juan is at sunrise.”

Victoria: “Your Abuela would have loved to see you now.”

Felicity: “Where did that come from?”

Victoria: “I’m just proud of you mi nena. I wanted to keep it away from you, but seeing you embracing the charms… you’re just a natural, and she always said you would be.”

*Felicity enters encounter 7. A car is thrown out of the perpendicular alley, flying just in front of Felicity and into the ocean*

Felicity: *Shocked reaction*

Felicity: “Was the car really necessary?!”

*Clears encounter 7 and jumps up onto back mansion walkway*

Felicity: “I can see La Ruta de la Princesa from here!”

Victoria: “Good memories…”

*Felicity enters encounter 8*

Victoria: “Felicity, honey! I hear you! You’re so close!”

Felicity: *Fighting* “Hang on mom! I’m almost there!”

Victoria: “Aldorug put me in a magical cell like the barriers he uses to trap you with the harms.”
Felicity: “So how do I get you out?”

Victoria: “The harm’s presence powers the barrier, so if you can defeat them the barrier should lift.”

*Felicity clears encounter 8*

Victoria: “Felicity!”

Felicity: “Mom!... Why isn’t the barrier lifted?! I got rid of all of the-”

*Bipedal boss roars from the fountain in the distance*

Victoria: “What is that?!”

Victoria: “I’m not sure mi nena, but if anyone can it’s you. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to never underestimate you anymore.”

*Felicity runs toward boss and begins fighting. Boss is defeated and Victoria’s cell disappears*

Felicity: “Mom, I did it! *silence* Mom?”

Victoria: “I don’t know what happened Felicity, they moved me. I-”

Aldorug: “Impressive, child. I too underestimated you. Never again. I am now personally watching over your mother. I am a gracious host. Won’t you join us?

Felicity: *Sassy and vengeful* “You know what, I shall. It’s about time we met.”

*Fade to Black*

Aldorug: “At last, we meet.”

Felicity: *Confident and Sassy* “Charmed I’m sure.”

Alley | Voice

Friend1: “Byyye Felicity seeya at the book fair!”

Camera: Fade in from black to see felicity from 3rd person perspective standing at the entrance to an alleyway. In the midground is an obstacle preventing straight forward traversal.
She hears the voice of her elderly neighbor Mrs. Brenda calling for her to help.

Mrs. Brenda: “Felicity! Is that you dear?! I can’t see, you know me and my dag gum cataracts. Would you be a doll and break down those old chairs for your sweet ol’ Brenda?”

*Chuckle* “Of course, Mrs. Brenda. No problem!”

Felicity breaks down chairs and puts them in dumpster.

Felicity: “Alright Mrs. Brenda, I think that’s all of em!

Mrs. Brenda: “Ohhh thank you dear. Your mother would be so proud if she could see what a wonderful young woman you are!”

Felicity: *Sigh* Thanks Mrs. Brenda…

Felicity climbs the fire escape up to her apartment. She enters through the bedroom window. Fade to black.

Bedroom | Voice

Felicity enters and sees a snake in her disheveled room with a
charm in its mouth and her mom’s charm bracelet on the floor. Snake is startled, felicity kicks snake and recovers charm. Proceeds to pick up and put on charm bracelet. Charm bracelet glows and she hears the voice of Victoria.

Victoria: “Felicity…?”

Felicity: “…There’s no way…Mom?”

Victoria: “It’s me honey. I know this might seem scary, but I need you to listen to me. I-“

Felicity: “What’s going on?! Where are you? How are you talking to me? H-ho-wha-h-h-how are you- How am I talking to you?!”

Victoria: “*Sternly* Felicity! I know you have a lot of questions. But we don’t have a lot of time. The fact that you’re even able to talk to talk to me right now means you’re in danger. You’re in danger… because of me Felicity.”

Felicity: “Wha- how am I able to talk to you? Is it because of your bracelet? I-I- is it the snake, why did it take your charm?”

Victoria: “Wait, they already came? Honey, are you okay?!”

Felicity: “Ye-yeah mom, I’m fine. It was trying to steal one of your charms but I got it back. Wh-“

Victoria: “(Inward facing)They made faster progress than I thought. (Pause) I never wanted to involve you in all of this… that’s why I left.”

Felicity: “You left because of your charms?”

Victoria: “I left because of the power that they bring…the chaos…”

Felicity: “The chaos? Mom, they’re charms”

Felicity spots another snake and chases it down the hallway to the elevators. One elevator has been badly damaged by an unknown source. Felicity enters the elevator.

Victoria: “There’s so much you don’t know Felicity. And I wanted to keep it that way. But now I have no choice. *Sigh* As my daughter, there was always a possibility of my bracelet choosing you. When I left, I tried to use the bracelet to keep the harms at bay and distance you from this as much as possible. There’s bigger forces at play here Felicity.”

Felicity: “Well mom, if you could fight the snake things with the charms, then I can too!

Victoria: “Felicity, it cost me my family and my freedom trying to keep you as far from this as possible. I can’t have you going and putting yourself in more danger than you’re already in because of me.”

Felicity: “Well that’s not up to you. If this bracelet is so powerful, then I can use it to save you. Just tell me what I need to do. Trust me mom, I can do it!”

Elevator Door opens to the street.

Apartment | Voice

Felicity: “There’s the snakes that stole your charms!”

“Wait, I thought they only tried to take one. Which ones do you have?”

Felicity: “Uhhh, I only have the snake lookin one and the lightning one.”

Victoria: “You only have two?! Felicity, you can’t go taking on these things with just the power of Venom and Cloud. You’re missing 3 whole charms!”

Felicity: “Well then I’ll use these two to get them back!”

Victoria: “I- Okay Felicity. But you can’t just go using your magic all willy nilly. Do you remember those fragments you collected when you killed that snake in your bedroom?”

Felicity: “Oh yeah. The glowies!”

Victoria: “Yes Felicity, the glowies. The glowies power your charms. The more powerful the charm, the more its magic requires.”

Felicity: “Kill the harms, get the glowies. Got it!”  

(45 Seconds)

            Felicity exits out onto street and proceeds to the right to take on a group of snakes. A UI pop-up appears “Objective: Kill a snake”
Felicity kills a snake and collects the fragment

Felicity: “Alright! One snake down! And I got the glowies!” 

Victoria: “Great job Felicity! Now that you have a fragment, try using the power of venom on another harm.” 

Objective: Use Venom on a snake” Felicity uses venom ability on a snake

Felicity: “Whoah! That was awesome! I’m gunna do this all the time!”
Victoria: “I know it can be fun Felicity, but the charms have limits. Expending a charm’s power too frequently exhausts its magic for a time. You must choose your battles carefully.”

Felicity: “What does cloud do?!”

Victoria: “Slow down Felicity. Cloud requires more fragments before you can use it. Once you’ve done that you can try it out on another harm.”

Felicity: “Already on it!”

Objective: Collect 3 fragments” Felicity kills 3 snakes and collects fragments. Cloud is now visibly charged.

Felicity: “It’s rumbling! What does that mean?!”

Victoria: “It means it’s ready. Just use your hand to direct the magic at a harm.”

Objective: Use Cloud ability” Felicity uses Cloud ability on a snake.

Felicity: “Was that lightning?!”

Victoria: “MAAAGICAL Lightning”

Felicity: “This is amazing!”

Victoria: “I know it is. Just be careful honey. It’s easy to get caught up in the power. Also, you may have noticed that each charm gives you a little extra boost while you have it chosen. You can use that to your advantage when you’re low on fragments.”

Objective: Use venom passive” Felicity uses venom dash.
Objective: Use cloud passive” Felicity double jumps.

Felicity: “Who needs boosts when you can kick like me?!”

Victoria: “You’re the best kicker around sweety. *background clanking* Felicity, I have to go. He’s coming back. I’ll talk to you when it’s safe. I love you honey.”

Felicity: “Wait, who’s coming? …Mom? ...Mom!”

Apartment | Voice
“Ohh no-no-no-no, not here.”

*Felicity passes the Spanish moss*

“Mom, they’re here…”

Victoria: “Where is here Felicity?”

Felicity: “San Juan”

*Felicity enters the first combat encounter*

Felicity: “What are these things? They’re almost..human?”

Felicity: “And they leap?!”

“I've never seen a human-like harm before. How is Aldorug creating them so fast?"

*Option 1: Felicity ends first combat encounter*

Felicity: "Does this mean Aldorug is here?"

Victoria: "I'm not sure honey. He's always had harbingers, but now that he has a new army I don't know what to expect. I wish I could help you more."

Felicity: "You've already helped enough."

*Felicity enters second combat encounter*

Victoria: “Felicity! I think I hear the charms! I think I hear - you!”

Felicity: *hopeful* “You do?! Where are you?!”

Victoria: “I’m not entirely sure dear, it’s distant, but I’d know that sound anywhere.”

*Option 2: Felicity goes to guard gate*

Felicity: “They really don’t want me getting in do they…”

*Felicity clears encounter 2*
*Felicity turns down the street to enter encounter 3*

Felicity: “Look mom! It’s our old blue house! Remem-”

            *Enemies spawn rapidly*

           “SERIOUSLY?! How many of you are there?!”

                *Felicity fights Bipedal enemies*
               “Don’t you know it’s rude to show up to someone’s house uninvited?”

*Felicity completes encounter 3 and teleports*

*Encounter 4 Begins*

Felicity: “How do I keep ending up at the same place?!”

Victoria: “I’ve seen the midnight charm warp time and reality, but only ever at a small scale… my charms must have somehow strengthened it.”

*Encounter 4 ends and gate opens*

Felicity: “Okay- time, reality, it’s all crazy. But can we talk about how ever since I was a little girl, you would disappear for days at a time and leave us with dad, which is basically leaving us alone, to do what? Go charm collecting?”

Victoria: “Your father tries Felicity. He has his faults but he tries! Yes I had to leave you and your father, but do you think I wanted to?! And he knew. He was worried sick every second I was gone, not knowing when or if I would come back.”

*Felicity enters encounter 5*

Felicity: *Slightly nervous and hastily* “I know he tries it’s jus- ugh, hold on”

(Umbrella Event) Felicity:  “Awww I missed these umbrellas”

*Felicity clears encounter 5*

Felicity: *Catching breath after fight* “I know dad tries. But you act like you didn’t have a choice.”

Victoria: “Because I didn’t. That charm bracelet came from your Abuela. She fought this battle long before me and passed on the bracelet. It’s our family legacy to be the charm keepers Felicity. I just didn’t want to subject you to the danger it brings.”

*Enters encounter 6*

*Bipedal spawns and roars*

Felicity: “Dios Mio! How big do they get?!”

Victoria: “I hear it! You’re getting closer! Is it a charm bearer?”

Felicity: *Preoccupied fighting* “Maybe? I think so!... What’s that?”

“Charm bearers are the largest type of harm. They hold and fracture a charm to create more harms at Aldorug’s command.”

Felicity: “So without a bearer, there’s no new harms?”

Victoria: “Exactly, but they’re not easy.”

Felicity: *Exhausted fighting* “Oh trust me I know!”

*Bipedal boss defeated and drops cataclysm charm. Felicity collects charm.”

“What charm is the purple planet one?”

Victoria: “Ooo, that’s Cataclysm. Cataclysm is the strongest charm but also costs the most fragments.”

*Felicity exits encounter 6 (fort)*

Felicity: “I forgot how gorgeous San Juan is at sunrise.”

Victoria: “Your Abuela would have loved to see you now.”

Felicity: “Where did that come from?”

Victoria: “I’m just proud of you mi nena. I wanted to keep it away from you, but seeing you embracing the charms… you’re just a natural, and she always said you would be.”

*Felicity enters encounter 7. A car is thrown out of the perpendicular alley, flying just in front of Felicity and into the ocean*

Felicity: *Shocked reaction*

Felicity: “Was the car really necessary?!”

*Clears encounter 7 and jumps up onto back mansion walkway*

Felicity: “I can see La Ruta de la Princesa from here!”

Victoria: “Good memories…”

*Felicity enters encounter 8*

Victoria: “Felicity, honey! I hear you! You’re so close!”

Felicity: *Fighting* “Hang on mom! I’m almost there!”

Victoria: “Aldorug put me in a magical cell like the barriers he uses to trap you with the harms.”
Felicity: “So how do I get you out?”

Victoria: “The harm’s presence powers the barrier, so if you can defeat them the barrier should lift.”

*Felicity clears encounter 8*

Victoria: “Felicity!”

Felicity: “Mom!... Why isn’t the barrier lifted?! I got rid of all of the-”

*Bipedal boss roars from the fountain in the distance*

Victoria: “What is that?!”

Victoria: “I’m not sure mi nena, but if anyone can it’s you. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to never underestimate you anymore.”

*Felicity runs toward boss and begins fighting. Boss is defeated and Victoria’s cell disappears*

Felicity: “Mom, I did it! *silence* Mom?”

Victoria: “I don’t know what happened Felicity, they moved me. I-”

Aldorug: “Impressive, child. I too underestimated you. Never again. I am now personally watching over your mother. I am a gracious host. Won’t you join us?

Felicity: *Sassy and vengeful* “You know what, I shall. It’s about time we met.”

*Fade to Black*

Aldorug: “At last, we meet.”

Felicity: *Confident and Sassy* “Charmed I’m sure.”


Level 1