
Charmed! - Tutorial


Tutorial Level

My focus for the tutorial level was to seamlessly provide players with both early character development and basic tutorialization. This was achieved by designing the tutorial as a linear experience that keeps players occupied through narrative as they go through the motions.


Consideration: Story Telling

Given the attention span of players, it was very important to me to jumpstart the narrative and provide all the necessary context as soon as the player enters the game. To do this, I employed the help of some voice actors to play the part of Felicity and her friend who appear to have a candid conversation about Felicity’s current conflict and animosity surrounding her mother. This friendship gives players a quick glimpse into Felicity’s personality and alludes to a richer plot that captures curiosity.

Consideration: Tutorialization

In the initial cinematic intro, players are introduced to Mrs. Brenda who enlists their help to break down her old boxes. Players are then prompted to kick the boxes to flatten them and drop them off at the nearby trash cans. This is done through a series of trigger volumes and spatialized audio is utilized via reverb volumes to provide directionality to the disembodied voice that is Mrs. Brenda. Players move on to a half height obstacle that forces them to use their roll to access the alley. Once inside, players undergo minor platforming to help encourage them to take advantage of future verticality options. Upon entering the bedroom window, a trigger begins a sequence that introduces the player to a stationary version of the first enemy. Kicking comes into player to defeat the snake, resulting in another sequence playing introducing players to Felicity’s mother (Victoria), her charm bracelet, and what is happening in this world.


Consideration: Lighting Scenarios

Upon exiting the bedroom, the player sees another snake slithering down the hall and is encouraged to chase it. The snake disappears inside an ajar elevator that seems to have been destroyed by otherworldly means. The player enters the elevator and attempts to continue the pursuit. While inside the elevator on dialogue cue, a light function is enabled on the elevator light, causing it to flicker then go completely black. During the blackout the level’s lighting scenarios are swapped from day to night, the tutorial is unloaded, the player is teleported to an identical elevator, and the doors open. The change in lighting scenarios and elevator door reveal were essential in setting the tone for a real city turned on its head by otherworldly invaders.