
Pocket Plants

First Casual Game


Role: Level Designer

Team Size: 5

Duration: ~80 Hours

Tools Used: UE4, Photoshop, Audition

Platform: PC


Pocket Plants is a third-person survival game that takes place on a planet overrun with invasive plants. While beautiful, these plants produce too much carbon dioxide to sustain other life on the planet. The player must gather plants and utilize propagation to save their suffocating ecosystem. As required by the class criteria, the game is comprised of all original assets and restricted to one player input.

Tutorial - Backyard

In the world of Pocket Plants, Mushroom Boy’s home is under siege by a massive cloud of Carbon Dioxide that threatens to destroy the life on his planet. This meant that starting the player at his home was essential for grounding him in the world and aiding in developing the player’s sense of duty.


Upon stepping out into the backyard, players will immediately see their first objective marker and a foreshadowing o the landscapes to be seen in game. The mountains use a high LOD and hand-painted low-opacity light rock texture to create forced perspective.
