


First attempt at Level Design

Quadroponics was my first endeavor in level design and unreal engine as a whole. Looking back on it with all that I have learned since then, I believe it definitely shows where my focus lies as a designer, but is not very representative of my current skill level. That being said I only included it to really show where I started and how far I have come.

Role: Level Designer

Team Size: 1

Duration: ~120 Hours

Tools Used: UE4, Photoshop, Audition, Illustrator, After Effects

Platform: PC

The player finds themselves being lowered into an underground facility where they meet the AI overseer. The player must cultivate plants from each of the facilities unique biodomes. As the player progresses, the overseer begins to exhibit some odd behavior.

This level was my final for Level Design 1 at UCF. I was given specific guidelines for what was to be included and the length of play. Quadroponics was made in UE4 in 6 weeks and was completed 4 months after first being introduced to Unreal Engine.

Quadroponics includes 5 original scores, 3 pages of dialogue executed by a professional voice over artist, and a lot of burning of the midnight oil.

Original Level Map NG.png